Thursday, July 31, 2014

Run route view and thoughts

I ran for 3 miles on Tuesday and cooked tofu tom yum when I got home. Here are a few of my run route photos

 Yeah I know it's the same view but I couldn't get over how beautiful it is so I took a couple of shots. The run was quick and not as taxing. Weather was beautiful and surprisingly cool for summer. It was a very nice relief.

Here is a photo of the tofu tom yum soup with carrots, radish, mushroom, onions, tomatoes, garlic and ginger, the soup base was lemongrass keffir leaves galangal and green pepper and lime 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Running and food

Above is a photo of my favorite run route view by the Hudson River. I have a separate blog about cats and other random stuff that I haven't updated in awhile coz I got caught up with work and other life issues. I don't know how I can sort my stories on Wordpress and blogger so I decided to create a blog solely about my two main passions namely running and cooking good food hence the blog name. I've always loved cooking and although I dont have any culinary school certification to back up my (ahem) claim that I can cook well a bunch of my friends and especially the love of my life, my bashert, loves the dishes I make. I have been cooking since I was 13 but most the recent recipes I follow aren't my own concoctions. I mostly get recipes online and from magazines and books handed down to me by my mom in law.  This blog is a simple online platform where I'll share recipes I've found, tried and find worth sharing. Also I'll be posting photos of the cool things I see when I go running.